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이미지 제공: Kiril Georgiev

About Us


Working Life Spirituality Research Center 130LAB helps the spirituality in the church to be aligned with the spirituality in the workplace, home, and community.

It is an institution that helps the spiritual practice of Christian life by studying the dynamics and interrelationships of work, life, and spirituality of modern Christians living in cities. 

이미지 제공: Clay Banks



130LAB is a place where we want to study work, life, spirituality, and missionary life, and to express it concretely and put it into practice in our lives.  

We welcome everyone who wants to incorporate spirituality into their fierce workplace, who is contemplating how to serve with the heart of Christ at home, a form of workplace, and who aspires to the right spirituality and practice in their diverse communities.  

And in the untact era, we welcome those who work from home in front of monitors and especially all Christians who struggle with living in the city.  

We invite all of you who are interested in work, life and spirituality to the spiritual world 130LAB pursues.  


I dream of becoming a Christian where work becomes life and life becomes mission.

I hope that modern people living in cities will no longer live in a spirituality where faith and life are separated.

We want the integrated spirituality to be manifested in a healthy way in the workplace, in the church, in social gatherings, in sports gatherings, and in all community gatherings.

Faith has direction. We want to help everyone who checks their faith, makes a breakthrough once again in the faith that seems to be stagnant at some point, and wants something new direction and leap of faith.


I dream that modern Christians today can deeply understand the faith, design the spirituality of the future, and grow to the next level.

이미지 제공: Philip Graves


  1. Through the work-life spirituality course, we put our spirituality in the time and space of work, and discover purpose in the work and life we are called to in the present.

  2. By studying the dynamics that take place in cities and cities, we respond to God's missionary call to cities and city dwellers.

  3. The future salvation spirituality is strong, but today's Christians who lack the present spirituality help them to live the present spirituality through the integration of biblical theology, sociology, anthropology, and humanities.  

  4. By studying the way Jesus Christ worked, it sheds light on the attitudes and ways we deal with work today.  

  5. Because work is done through relationships with people and the community to which one belongs, not in a vacuum, we suggest alternatives through research on 'relationship' and 'community'.  

  6. It offers a shoreline for Christians who are pushed by the pace and are at a standstill as to where their faith is and where to go.

  7. Through the past me, God discovers the design through me, and researches and provides spiritual training to advance into the future.  

  8. It studies and presents the main religious themes that Christians today miss:  Religious consumerism, identity consumption, media, church that pursues efficiency, limitations and alternatives of Canaanite faith, social media spirituality, biblical ecology, rest, etc.

  9. We help those who are in a period of stagnant faith, Canaanite believers, or those who want to advance into a deeper faith, to live with new hope and future hope.

President & Story

The head of the institute, Jin-up Im, the president of the institute, has experienced all of the work of an office worker, a missionary organization secretary, and a church ministry. I have served as an office worker for more than 12 years, from employees to executives, in various occupations such as trading companies, Christian broadcasting stations (CGNTV), consultants for large corporations (educational fields), and joint management of consulting companies.  

After serving as YWAM CDTS secretary with a hope for missionary work, he graduated from the MAICS course at Fuller Theological Seminary and the M.Div course from the Presbyterian Theological Seminary in America. , studied the Doctor of Missiology (DIS) at Fuller Theological Seminary with the subject of 'City Work and Spirituality'.

Growing up as a believer in the Unification of Presbyterian Church, he devoted his youth to Onnuri Church. He served as a special teacher at Pasadena Presbyterian Church in California, USA, and as a full-time pastor at Grace Presbyterian Church in Texas (CC). I am attending church.sum.

Based on my various experiences, I want to serve as a bridge between the workplace, missions, and the church, especially in the field of 'work and spirituality in the city' in Korea.

A flock of sheep grazing in the nature around Mashhad._edited.png
이미지 제공: Jason Leung

CI / BI  : Identity

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[ CI/BI Message] 

We pursue the spirituality of the Garden of Eden, where the work of serving and loving, the life of illuminating the world with the creativity and light of Christianity, and all of these are restored and integrated within God's creation order.

  • Christian faith does not end with trust, it is completed with obedience. Trust is the realm of the heart and obedience is the realm of the hands and feet, so it should go to the hands and feet.

  • Korean Christianity is strong in the vertical faith of love of God, but it is still lacking in the horizontal faith of love of neighbor.

  • Serving in the church today is exemplary, but it does not translate into serving in the workplace. So they are criticized by the world. It is the result of dualistic belief.  

  • It is our institution's BRAND IDENTITY to make the above dualistic faith imbalances become unified and balanced spirituality.

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